Monday, January 27, 2020


Elder Halliday and me on our split

This week was a good one. Lots of success and a split with Elder Halliday.

On Wednesday we had district council. District council is always a good time. We had a lesson with one of our investigators, Janobly. Janobly will probably be baptized on Saturday so that's good! We will see! 

On Thursday we woke up and went to school. They were taking midterms so we weren't able to teach. It was rough. I always look forward to school. We picked up 3 new people to study with and they seem really promising. 

On Friday we had a really good lesson with one of our investigators. He doesn't know how to read so we taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ with the book of mormon videos. It was a super good and spiritual lesson.

Saturday we had another super good lesson with Janobly. We picked up another new investigator and we had such a good lesson with her. That night we had a dinner with one of the members. We ate Bwiro Kun. Bwiro kun is breadfruit that they mash up and preserve it in the ground. Then they take it out and cook it. It has such a strong smell and taste. It was pretty awful haha. Elder Wright waited till we got home to eat it because he thought he would've thrown up.

Sunday was a good day. I woke up feeling pretty sick so we went to church and then tried to get some lessons in but not much happened. Our recent convert Ali gave us a referral and we set up a lesson with her little sister.

Yesterday I had a split with Elder Halliday. Oh man it was the greatest. We had 3 solid lessons and picked up another investigator. We taught about the Book of Mormon and handed out 2 books. Later that day I saw one of them reading it. It made me so happy. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and it will bless your life. The split was kinda hard because me and Elder Halliday are both pretty new in the mission and are still learning the language, but it was good because we had to push ourselves. It was a good time.

That's about it from this week. I love you all and hope you have a great week! 

Elder Hanson
Bwiro Kung

Monday, January 20, 2020

Baptisms and Kwaj

Ali's Baptism
Iakwe Iakwe! 

This week was so much fun and so hot.

On Wednesday we had Zone Conference! It was so much fun. My brother Elder Halliday is coming out to Ebeye and I am so excited.

Thursday we taught school in the morning and then went to lunch with Elder Lal and Jepsen because Elder Lal is going to Jaluit. We went to one of the 3 restaurants on island and it wasn't bad. We had some asian food. Then we went to the dock to pick up Elder Halliday and Fisk. It was so good to see Halliday.

Friday we went to the dock to drop off Elder Lal and Motzkus. I am going to miss them. Then we went to Ali to get everything ready for the baptism.

Saturday we went finding and found a bunch of potentials. It was a solid day. Then at 6 we had Ali's baptism. It was such a great time and the spirit was so strong.

Sunday Ali was confirmed a member of the church and was given the gift of the Holy ghost. I was able to be in the circle when she was confirmed and it was such a spiritual experience. After that we tried to go to some lesson and go finding but we had no success.

Yesterday the members from Kwajalein sponsored us to come over for the day. It was so much fun. We went bowling and then took a tour of the army base. It was so cool. There are a bunch of blown up bunkers everywhere from when the U.S. took over kwaj from Japan.

Anyway that's about it from this week. I hope you all have a great week!  

I love you all!
Elder Hanson

Monday, January 13, 2020



This week was a good one! 

Wednesday we had an okay day. We had a great lesson with Ali and she is ready to be baptized! 

Thursday we honestly just went finding and had no success it was pretty rough.

Friday we had some lessons planned but we went finding for 5 hours. No one even wanted to talk to us. We went back to our house and said separate prayers. We went back out and found 3 potentials. It was so good because lately there has been no success with finding.

Saturday was Ali's baptismal interview. She passed so that is super exciting. This Saturday she will be baptized! 

Sunday was a good day we just went to church and then found out who would be leaving this next transfer. I will be staying another on Ebeye with Elder Wright. I am excited to stay! It should be good!

Yesterday was such a good day. We had some solid lessons and found a new investigator. 

Today we went to nene. We went fishing but didn't have any luck. Fly fishing is so much harder is the ocean haha. 

I hope you all have a great week. I love you all. Sorry about the short email but I don't have a lot of time haha. 


Elder Hanson

Monday, January 6, 2020

Finding at the King's house


First of all I want to say Happy New Year to everyone and a special shout out to my boy Elder Templeton! Happy birthday!

Wednesday was a pretty good day. We had district council and then me and Elder Wright did tons of finding. Not much happened just a day of hard work.

Thursday was another pretty good day. We had a great lesson with Ali. She told us that she really wanted to get baptized and that she was ready so things are looking good. 

Friday was a crazy day. We had 3 solid lessons. We also did a ton of finding. We were out finding and I had this impression to go talk to this guy. I went up to him and started to casually talk. Then out of nowhere I asked him if he knew Junior. He said he did but he was at work. He told us to come back later because Junior wanted to study. I was so pumped. Well then we went back at 6 and he said Junior hadn't come back yet. It was rough but we will just keep trying. Also on Friday Elder Thomson cut my hair haha. I'll send some pics.

Saturday was a crazy day. Elder Thomson and Vaaia were supposed to go to Kwaj at 5 in the morning because they are headed back to Majuro because the outer islands are opening back up. So we all wake up at 4:30 to go see them off. Well as soon as we woke up we got a text from the Ap's saying that their flight didn't leave until 2:30. So we all just went back to sleep haha. We dropped them off at the dock later that day and now they are back in Majuro. Man I'm going to miss them. Later that day Elder Lal and Jepsen said that they talked to a guy who said he wanted to talk to the Elder's. His name is John Kabua. Well Kabua is a pretty big name here in the Marshall islands. It is basically the royal family. So we went to the Irooj (King) house and asked for John. Well turns out he didn't live there but they told us where he did live. We still haven't talked to him but now I can say I have gone finding at the Kabua's house haha. We had another lesson with Ali and told her that she had to come to church if she wanted to be baptized. 

Sunday morning we got up and went to remind Ali about church but she was asleep. She didn't show up so that was super disappointing. We will just keep trying. 

Yesterday was a weird day. Not much happened we went finding and had no success. It was a members birthday so we went to a birthday party and ate some octopus, chicken, and beef. It was pretty good. 

Overall this week was a good one! I hope you all are doing great at home, or wherever you are. I love you all! Feel free to email me whenever!

-Elder Hanson