Monday, May 25, 2020

" Kōjām jeļā kajin m̧ajōl?? "

This week was pretty good. Life is crazy but also pretty boring. We mostly just online find and call formers. This week we had splits with Jonesboro. It was so much fun. In Jonesboro they have this huge church so I decided to take a picture of it. We also had interviews with my mission president. It was great.

On Saturday I got to go on splits with Elder Nordstrom who is another reassigned missionary because my companions had to go to MLC. It was great to be with a missionary who knows what it's like to be reassigned haha. During the split I felt like I should message this Marshallese family. Well I did and we set up a zoom call with them. So on Wednesday we will zoom them and have a lesson. I'm super pumped. Hopefully my Marshallese isn't too bad. 

Today we went shopping and then went and got gas. I saw these girls and thought dang they might be Marshallese. Then the girl said "we go to lds too" and I knew they were Marshallese. I asked where they were from and theysaid they were from Pocahontas I continued to ask if they were Marshallese and then I saw their mom and I knew. I started speaking in Marshallese and they were so surprised haha it was hilarious. The mom replied in Marshallese and was like "why do you know Marshallese" haha. I explained to her that I served there and now I'm here. It was hilarious. It definitely was the best thing that has happened to me so far.

Everything is going great. I hope you all have a great week. 

I would love to hear from you all!
Elder Hanson

Here are some pics of the church and me and my comps shopping.

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